SEPT 28 – OCT 1   |   Produced by Small World Music

Marek Tyler

Indigenous Music Office – Amiskwacîy (Edmonton) on Treaty 6 territory

Marek Tyler (nêhiyaw/Scottish) lives and works in amiskwacîy (Edmonton) on Treaty 6 territory. Marek is an educator, entrepreneur, project liaison, manager, facilitator, and touring musician.

Marek earned a Masters of Business Administration from Simon Fraser University (MBA). He is a sessional instructor at Grant MacEwan University (Edmonton). He is known for his work with cultural, education, and entrepreneurial initiatives including, performing with nêhiyawak, The Witness Blanket – A National Monument to Residential School Survivors; project managing The Spirit Pole – North American Indigenous Games; and conducting Community-based research for the Indigenous non-profit sector. Currently, Marek is documenting his family’s cultural protocols in contemporary art.